
Sweeth Tooth

Lorem Ipsum proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquetenean sollicitudin, lorem qui bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat gravi.
1-677-124-44227 info@your 184 Main Collins Street West V. 8007


Lorem Ipsum proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquetenean sollicitudin, lorem qui


Who here have seven (7) siblings? I come from a big family, and we are all more scrumptious than the next. So, when we all get together, let's just say the competition is serious. Our foundations are the same, we are all delicious and creamy, but it's our unique characteristic that makes us different. I am naturally sweet with a beautiful light tan color, but it's my delicious ingredients; milk and date that give me my golden glow. This golden glow is contagious; I

When I was in high school my friends and I used to enjoy going to the local ice cream shop and order ridiculously large sundaes smothered in nauseating combinations of toppings.  Back then, quantity trumped quality.  Back then I thought it would benefit all of humankind if I wrote a book about ice cream.  The following is the introduction of the book that was never written but often researched that I wrote in 1982. “Introduction by Steve M, July 25, 1982   The general public will be

Please don’t be jealous because I am one of the few who is adored by many. You know the forbidden fruit, Apple? Well, it has nothing on me. I was born to shine, so let me give you the scoop! Let’s address the obvious; why am I so loved? While many other food items wish they could be me, it must be my deep red color, the crunch of my seeds, or the way my juice quenches thirst. My smooth exterior and artistic appeal help,